DiscGolfPark Winsum
Anlagd: December 2022
Designer: Hans Krens & Berend Otten
Hans Krens
Hans is a frisbee-professional since the year 2000 and is honarable member of two frisbeeclubs in the Netherlands. He is one of the godfathers of frisbee in his country and had been playing Frisbeesport since 1991. He has been an international player, national team coach and has promoted frisbeesports by teaching teachers how to teach frisbee in school. He has even developped special lesson programms for schools.
His Disc Golf designer carrier really took off after cooperation with DiscGolfPark, which has lead to a couple of nice courses already.
Hans’s strength is that he really thinks about the target group for the course (who is going to use it) and how to further develop business with it. He is very meticulous about fitting the course in the surroundings (having completed his environmental studies helps there). He can be enthousiastic but can be surely characterized as realistic.
Main aim for his DGP designs is safety. A course should be as safe as possible for players as well as bystanders and fun to play, not only the first time
For sales of frisbees: info@frisbeewinkel.nlFor lessons / teaching: hans@frisbeeclinics.nlFor DiscGolfPark design and sales: hans@discgolfpark.com
Anlagd: December 2022
Designer: Hans Krens & Berend Otten
Anlagd: 2020
Anlagd: 2020
Designer: Hans Krens
Anlagd: 2018
Designer: Hans Krens & Daan Remmers
Anlagd: 2017
Designer: Hans Krens & Daan Remmers
Anlagd: 2016
Designer: Hans Krens
Anlagd: 2016
Designer: Hans Krens
Anlagd: 2015
Designer: Hans Krens
Designer: Hans Krens & Daniel Kraak