Luther Route 66 DiscGolfPark
Luther Route 66 DiscGolfPark
USA, Luther, OK
Anlagd: April 2023
Bandesigner: Avery Jenkins Typ av bana : Free-to-play
Hål: 9
Kontakt: Luther Friends of the Park
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Nedladdningsbar karta:
This is the 5th DiscGolfPark established in the state of Oklahoma and the 49th DiscGolfPark installed in the United States.
This is absolutely a course for everyone with two teepads (Short & Long) and two basket locations per hole that has the ability to change for 9-holes. Very moderate hilly terrain with one smaller hill that is incorporated on several of the holes.
The Short-to-Short layout provides a great introductory, recreational level Par-27 course measuring 1,805 ft (550 meters). The Long-to-Long is a demanding layout that should challenge most experienced players which includes one par 4 for an overall par 28 measuring 3,100 ft (945 meters).
The longest layout (Long-to-Long) is almost twice the length of the shortest layout (Short-to-Short) which offers a great differential making this course enjoyable for a wide range of skill level players.
This dual teepad course allows for lesser skilled and more skilled players to compete in the same group essentially playing 2 different 9-Hole courses at the same time. And this 9-Hole course can be played twice continuously for essentially eighteen (18) unique holes and the full 18-Hole experience.
Course Stats:
Holes: 9-holes with dual teepads and dual basket locations
Shortest Layout: 1,805 ft (550 meters) Par 27 – Average Hole Distance: 200 ft (61 m).
Longest Layout: 3,100 ft (945 meters) Par 28 – Average Hole Distance: 344 ft (105 m).
Shortest Hole: 160 ft (49 m) Par 3
Longest Hole: 510 ft (155 m) Par 4