DiscGolfPark Oudegein

Hans Krens

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DiscGolfPark Oudegein


Sijainti: Alankomaat, Parking at Jacks Grillhouse Perustettu: 2020 Ratasuunnittelija: Hans Krens Radan tyyppi : Free-to-play Väyliä: 12 Ota yhteyttä: Hans.Krens@discgolfpark.com Ladattava ratakartta: Oudegein_InfoBoard-477-kb.jpg


DiscGolfPark Oudegein


A beautifull City park, dominantly flat. The place of  one of the first Disc Golf courses in the Netherlands, established by Mike Ocon in the 90´s. Through bad maintenance the course become in dissaray. Through the period of 2014 and 2020, Hans Krens (Benelux Disc Golf Course designer) offered the City to redo the course, but to make it a 12 hole course on a bigger area of the park.

Course description

B1 DiscGolfPark, which means an average hole length of over 75 meters. Course mainly for moderate level players, design is based on pdga level 830-870 to fight for par. For pro players there is enough room for practicing the approach and put.

12 Holes, Targets are discGolfPark Pro targets. Par 37, 902 meters. Heavy Concrete Teepads and Teesigns.

The course offers a good variety of holes and possible shots. Some holes have water, but no huge water crossings that cannot be avoided. Two mandatorys that are there for safety.

