DiscGolfPark Farnieres 5 holes

Hans Krens

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DiscGolfPark Farnieres 5 holes


Sijainti: Belgia, DiscGolfPark Farnieres 5 Holes Perustettu: 2016 Ratasuunnittelija: Hans Krens Radan tyyppi : Free-to-play Väyliä: 18 Ota yhteyttä: +32 80 55 90 40 Palvelut: restaurant in season, information booth, climbing forest, chambers for rent, rental stay for groups Verkkosivusto: https://www.facebook.com/info.avenature/ Ladattava ratakartta: Avenature-v8-lang-e1518093617237.jpg


2 Courses on a beautifull location:

  • 5 Holes course at the entrance of the Don Bosco Vielsalm monestry designed for kids and families
  • 9 Holes course down in the forest of Farnieres

The 5 Hole course has a park like setting and few differences in elevation. Holes are between 31 and 54 meters.

The 9 Hole forest course is much more difficult and not for the absolute beginner. Lots of elevation, trees and a water hazard here and there. Overconfindence here will absolutely harm your score.



DGP Informatiebord Farnieres
DGP Farnieres Hole 1
DGP Farnieres Hole 2 en 3
DGP Farnieres Hole 4
DGP Farnieres Hole 4 2
DGP Farnieres Hole 3
DGP Farnieres Hole 2 en 4
DGP Farnieres Hole 2 en 4 2