DiscGolfPark Transylvania
DiscGolfPark Transylvania
Romania, Stana de Vale
Perustettu: 2018
Ratasuunnittelija: Premysl Novak Radan tyyppi : Pay-to-play
Väyliä: 9
Ota yhteyttä: Cristian Flora - eri.ro
DiscGolfPark Transylvania is the very first permanent disc golf course in Romania. It is situated in the heart of Apuseni mountains in an old village called Stana de Vale.
It is aimed mainly to disc golf beginners but intermediate players will also have fun on this course. Holes are mostly technical, designed in a beautiful forest and on a skiing slope.
There is also a possibility to extend the course to 18 holes which would be longer and more difficult in the near future.