Camp Howqua Disc Golf Park

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Camp Howqua Disc Golf Park


Sijainti: Australia, Howqua Perustettu: 2015 Radan tyyppi : Free-to-play Väyliä: 9 Verkkosivusto:


Camp Howqua is home to a 9-hole DiscGolfPark course.

Camp Howqua is an educational, recreational and camping facility. that is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Our mission is to provide a caring, creative and exciting Christian centre, which assists children, youth and adults to reach their human, creative and spiritual potential.

Camp Howqua covers in excess of 64 hectares of picturesque countryside situated on the beautiful Howqua River.

It is located in the Victorian High Country, only 45 minutes drive from the top of Mt Buller and an easy 2.5 hour drive from central Melbourne, via Mansfield