Northampton Community College DiscGolfPark
Erstellt: September 2022
Designer: Richie Klinger
Richie Klinger
Ever since the first time I was introduced to disc golf in 1995, I have spent 26 years immersing myself into every aspect on the sport. In 1998 I was named as the club pro/ head of course maintenance for the Lehigh Valley Disc Club. Since then, I have assisted the club in the design and installation of South Mountain Park, Little Lehigh Parkway, Jordan Creek and Camp Olympic, all located in the Lehigh Valley, PA. Jordan Creek and Little Lehigh Parkway were used in the 2005 PDGA Pro World Championships. I have been the club ambassador to 5 different park entities that we have courses in, helping the parks make course changes as the sport evolves and grows. I have also been the club Tournament director from 2001 to 2019, running over a dozen PDGA tournaments and countless pro/ams, doubles leagues and club tags.
Over the last 3 years, we have worked closely with the Lehigh University intermural disc golf team. Helping with practices and giving guidance in running fundraising tournaments. The team has gone to the Collegiate Disc Golf National Championships 2 out of the last 3 years. One of my goals is to approach the university to install a disc golf course and training facility on campus. Giving the students a place to play and practice. Once established we can put in a bid to bring the Nationals to Lehigh. I am also planning on approaching several golf courses about installing a DiscGolfPark where we can rent carts. I love cart golf!
I am thankful for the opportunity to represent this company and am looking forward to what the future holds.
Email: Richie.Klinger@DiscGolfPark.comPhone: 610-724-3211