Sahanmäki DiscGolfPark®

Jussi Meresmaa

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Sahanmäki DiscGolfPark®

Parcours Informationen

Standort: Finnland, Hyvinkää Erstellt: 2011 Parcours Designer: Jussi Meresmaa Parcours Typ : Free-to-play Bahnen: 19 Parcours Plan herunterladen: sahanmaki_hyvinkaa_ratakartta_2015.jpg


Sahanmäki DiscGolfPark is a full-length disc golf course for amateurs and pro players. The course is designed for wooded terrain and accurate throws are rewarded. The courses four par 4s challenge players to accurate and long openings. The course par is 61 throws, the total length of the fairways is 1936 meters and the average length of the fairways is about 102 meters. The car park of the course can be found on Niinistökatu opposite Onni.
Course users attention: It is forbidden to go to the airport area! See the exclusion zone on the official track map.