Northampton Community College DiscGolfPark

Richie Klinger

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Northampton Community College DiscGolfPark

Parcours Informationen

Standort: Vereinigte Staaten, Bethlehem, PA Erstellt: September 2022 Parcours Designer: Richie Klinger Parcours Typ : Free-to-play Bahnen: 9


This course was established in 2022 through a generous donation by 2 alumni who wanted to give something back to the school and give students some extracurricular activities to do on campus.

This 9 hole course is generally flat with some slight rolling hills. Entire course is designed in maintained grassy areas with large, old growth, trees and dense wood lines to create a challenge for players. A few holes have some “out of bounds” to contend with in the form of roads, walking paths and a parking lot. A great course for beginner to expert players.
