Meri-Toppila DiscGolfPark

Erno Väyrynen

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Meri-Toppila DiscGolfPark

Parcours Informationen

Standort: Finnland, Meri-Toppila, Oulu Erstellt: 2007 Parcours Designer: Erno Väyrynen & Oulun Frisbeeseura & BSC Disc Golf Team Parcours Typ : Free-to-play Bahnen: 18 Kontakt: Webseite: Parcours Plan herunterladen: meri-toppila_oulu_ratakartta_2014_2-1.jpg


Layout changes frequently due to construction nearby. Information is available on-site and hole 1 is the same as on this online map.

Meri-Toppila is one of the best courses in Europe. It has hosted several championships, such as Finnish Nationals and European Championships.
