Hiironen DiscGolfPark
Hiironen DiscGolfPark
Parcours Informationen
Finnland, Hiirosen urheilupuisto, Oulu
Erstellt: 1998
Parcours Designer: Erno Väyrynen & Oulun Frisbeeseura, BSC Disc Golf Team Parcours Typ : Free-to-play
Bahnen: 18
Kontakt: http://www.oulunfrisbeeseura.net/?page_id=70
Parcours Plan herunterladen:
Hiironen DiscGolfPark is the first disc golf course of Oulu. It was originally established in 1998. As most courses with active local clubs, also Hiironen DiscGolfPark’s layout has changed many times over the years. The most recent change was made in 2013, when the targets and signage was updated. After this, some changes have been made to the course layout. They are available on-site, but unfortunately not online as of early 2018.