Ford DiscGolfPark®

Jussi Meresmaa

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Ford DiscGolfPark®

Parcours Informationen

Standort: Finnland, Tuusula Erstellt: 2017 Parcours Designer: Jussi Meresmaa Parcours Typ : Free-to-play Bahnen: 18 Parcours Plan herunterladen: ford_tuusula_ratakartta_2017_v2-1.jpg


Ford DiscGolfPark is competitive level course that offers a challenge to even the best of players. The area has a dense spruce, a magnificent canvas forest, small elevation changes and also open sand pits. First and last hole are at Hyrylä sports center. The rest of the holes are at Rykmentinpuisto former shooting range area. The course was built in cooperation with the Municipality of Tuusula, FrisbeeGolfClub Hyrylä ry and Oy Ford Ab.
