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Why Your Disc Golf Course Needs Tee Pads

Why Your Disc Golf Course Needs Tee Pads

The simplicity of building disc golf courses is a big part of their appeal. For instance, when experienced disc golf course designers work in fairly open areas of city parks, it's easy to design courses that require virtually no new...

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Mitteleuropa strebt nach mehr Disc Golf – DiscGolfPark verpflichtet sich, dabei zu helfen

Mitteleuropa strebt nach mehr Disc Golf – DiscGolfPark verpflichtet sich, dabei zu helfen

In Nordeuropa ist der Zugang zum Disc Golf fast überall selbstverständlich. Die fünf Länder mit den meisten Disc Golf-Anlagen pro Kopf der Bevölkerung liegen alle in diesem Teil der Welt. Dank des großen Angebots an Parcours hat die Region in...

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Course building 101 by Benjamin Smith

Course building 101 by Benjamin Smith

Over the last few years I have been pleasantly surprised to find out that I have a natural ability to build quality disc golf courses. It has been something I have worked on for nearly 2 decades and I am...

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Why Toronto golf courses welcome winter disc golf

Why Toronto golf courses welcome winter disc golf

It was late in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was at its height, and winter was quickly descending on Toronto, Canada, and its nearly three million residents. To keep spirits up and infection rates down in the months ahead, city leaders...

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