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Heinola DiscGolfPark World visitors brought over one million euros to the town of Heinola in 2024

Heinola DiscGolfPark World visitors brought over one million euros to the town of Heinola in 2024

Sports facilities are not just expenses, they have significant benefits for municipalities. Sports facilities are increasingly recognized for promoting well-being, but they also have substantial economic impacts. Heinola DiscGolfPark World, more familiarly known as Kippis, is a DiscGolfPark located in...

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Building Ezero DiscGolfPark: Bulgaria’s first disc golf course

Building Ezero DiscGolfPark: Bulgaria’s first disc golf course

According to Bozhidar "Bobby" Georgiev, founding member of the club Disc Golf Bulgaria, the seeds for his country's first disc golf course were planted far, far away from the seaside town of Burgas where it now stands. "My friends and...

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DiscGolfPark arrives to the state of Vermont

DiscGolfPark arrives to the state of Vermont

The first DiscGolfPark in the state of Vermont is coming to the Town of Dover as the Horace Hill DiscGolfPark! Horace Hill is located just off Vermont Route 100 in the center of the village of West Dover. Spanning 53...

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DiscGolfPark: Disc Golf auf der Messe GaLaBau 2024 in Nürnberg (Halle 1, Stand 112)

DiscGolfPark: Disc Golf auf der Messe GaLaBau 2024 in Nürnberg (Halle 1, Stand 112)

Zum ersten Mal wird die Sportart Disc Golf auf der Messe GaLaBau in Nürnberg (11.-14. September) vertreten sein – und DiscGolfPark ist stolz darauf, diesen Meilenstein zu setzen! Gemeinden, Städten, Vereinen und Organisationen gibt dies die Gelegenheit, alles über Disc...

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What makes turf tees the best for disc golf?

What makes turf tees the best for disc golf?

To protect players and the environment as well as to keep visitors coming back, disc golf courses need tee pads. While any well-constructed teeing surface is better than none, we at DiscGolfPark recommend using high quality artificial turf in the...

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A university for the Deaf builds D.C.’s first permanent disc golf course

A university for the Deaf builds D.C.’s first permanent disc golf course

Established in 1864, Gallaudet University is the world's only liberal arts university dedicated entirely to education for the Deaf, the hard of hearing, and others who use ASL (American Sign Language). It's located in the heart of Washington, D.C., under...

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Three ingredients for cooking up a winter disc golf destination course

Three ingredients for cooking up a winter disc golf destination course

We've talked before about what makes a place ideal for disc golf tourism, but here we focus on a special niche: Destinations that can be havens for players hoping to escape cold and snow. Though there are plenty of disc...

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Frisbee trifft Golf: DiscGolfPark auf der FSB Messe 2023 in Köln

Frisbee trifft Golf: DiscGolfPark auf der FSB Messe 2023 in Köln

In der schnell wachsenden Welt des Freizeit- und Sportwesens gibt es eine aufstrebende Sportart, die die Aufmerksamkeit von Städten, Gemeinden, Kommunen, Freizeitbäder und privaten Organisationen weckt. Disc Golf, eine der aufstrebenden Sportarten dieser Zeit, erobert die Herzen von Menschen weltweit...

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