DiscGolfPark Priessnitz
DiscGolfPark Priessnitz
Parcours Informationen
Standort: Tschechische Republik, Jeseník Erstellt: 2014 Parcours Designer: Premysl Novak Parcours Typ : Free-to-play Bahnen: 9 Services: Accomodation, restaurant, discs rental, parking, spa & wellness Webseite: http://www.priessnitz.cz/cz/volny-cas/k2221-odkaz/42-discgolfpark-priessnitz.html Parcours Plan herunterladen: jeseník.jpg
DiscGolfPark Priessnitz is located in beautiful spa area in the north Moravia. Course has 9 holes, lots of trees and elevation, but disctances are still ok for kids and families. You can relax in outdoor balneo park after your round.