Discgolf course Rekovice by DiscGolfPark

Premysl Novak

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Discgolf course Rekovice by DiscGolfPark

Course Information

Location: Czech Republic, Rekovice Established: 2017 Course Designer: Premysl Novak & Michal Grepl Course Type : Free-to-play Holes: 9 Services: discs rental, restaurant, hotel, parking Website: https://www.rekovice.cz/#rekovice Downloadable Map: Snímek-obrazovky-2018-03-12-v-19.59.54-e1520881285250.png


Discgolf course Rekovice is located in the heart of Beskydy mountain. Great course for families and beginers. Many other activities and great restaurant with discs to rent.

Additional Photos

Snímek obrazovky 2018-03-12 v 19.59.54